Have a Nice Summer!

We won’t be blogging during the summer holidays. Instead, we’ll add some links to what inspires us. First, take a look at some of the best graphic facilitators in Denmark. Bigger Picture made this little movie about their consultancy services:

Also, check out Erik Petri, a one-man-graphic-facilitator-army! We are lucky to work with Erik once in a while.

To become a skilled graphic facilitator you have to take both your artistic expression seriously and keep yourself up to date with what is trending in the world of business.

Some other stuff that inspires us, is to read and research in management, business and organizational behavior, both in books, magazines and podcasts. We love to get new insights in Harvard Business Review as well as The Mckinsey Podcast. But we are also inspired by new trends in the development of illustration, comics, and animation.

Have a nice summer. We will be back on the blog in August with new posts about illustrations, speed drawing films, motion graphics, graphic recording as well as other complex visuals stuff .


Johan and Jacob