Proces for animerede film?

Når vi laver animerede film (speed drawing film, også kaldet explainer videoer eller motion graphics film), er det afgørende med en god proces forud for en vellykket film. Fordelene ved speed drawing film kan du læse om her. Nu skal det handle om processen.

Typisk vil det tage os omkring en måned at producere en animeret film, alt inklusiv. Vi begynder med et kundemøde. Her gennemgår vi de udfordringer, ideer eller budskaber, kunden har, og som skal kommunikeres til organisationen eller offentligheden.


Hvad skal vi have styr på til kundemødet?

Typisk diskuterer vi disse punkter:

  • Indhold: Hvad er de vigtigste budskaber? Kan noget undværes? (Ofte er korte, præcise film nemlig at foretrække!)
  • Stil: Hvordan skal det grafiske indhold se ud? Skal det være en speed drawing film eller er vi ovre i ‘motion graphics’, dvs. en animeret film med grafiske elementer? Skal vi bruge humor? Og hvad med en designguide?
  • Speak: Hvem skal speake filmen? Kvinde, mand, ung, gammel, formel, frisk, hyggelig, alvorlig etc. Vi bruger en virksomhed, der leverer alle typer professionelle speakere. Og skal filmen leveres i andre sprogversioner, leverer de også speaks på alverdens sprog.
  • Musik: Skal der være baggrundsmusik i filmen? Dette virker nemlig stemningsskabende og kan have sine fordele.

Digitale film sikrer rettegange efter kundens ønske

Efter kundemødet leverer vi et budget og en tidsplan, herunder hvornår kunden skal byde ind med ønsker, rettelser og kommentarer. Vi laver som regel vores film digitalt (med mindre der er ønske om en analog film), så ekstraønsker og rettelser kan tilføjes alle steder i processen. Dette er en fordel i forhold til de mange whiteboard-film, der florerer i organisationerne, og som også kan være ganske gode. Man kan bare ikke rette i dem efterfølgende. Digitale film egner sig også godt til versioneringer på mange sprog, da vi relativt hurtigt, enkelt og billigt kan versionere den enkelte film til diverse fremmedsprog.

Manuskriptet og speaken

Manuskriptet svarer faktisk til speak samt regibemærkninger. Når vi er blevet enige om budget og tidsplan, kan vi gå i gang med dette. Vi laver et første bud, som kunden kan komme med input til efterfølgende. Ofte skal manuskriptet sendes et par gange frem og tilbage mellem os og kunden, inden vi lander på et skarptskåret, færdigt manus.


Herefter kan arbejdet med storyboard begynde. Vi skitser hele storyboardet og rentegner en mindre del af det. Den lille rentegnede del sikrer, at vi bliver enige om stil i det færdige udtryk. Hele storyboardet brækkes op i små bidder. På den måde kan kunden følge med i, præcis hvilke tegninger og grafikstykker, der matcher den enkelte bid fra speaken. Når vi er enige med kunden om tempo, stil, indhold og kompleksitet, kan hele storyboardet rentegnes.

Skitse og rentegning


Efter godkendelse af det rentegnede storyboard, er vi klar til at animere. Speaken bestilles, og animationen bygges op om speaken. Evt. musik tilføjes. Hvis lydeffekter ønskes, kan disse også tilføjes i denne sidste fase. Første gennemklip leveres til kunden, der herefter har mulighed for at komme med ønsker og rettelser. Herefter kan filmen færdiggøres og leveres i det format, kunden ønsker.

Startdato og slutprodukt?

Fra vores første møde til levering af færdig film går der cirka en måned. Har du som kunde brug for en film, der skal være færdig om en uge? Det kommer næppe til at ske. Skal den bruges om 3 uger? Lad os tale om det.

Kontakt os på eller gå ind på vores hjemmeside for at se cases.

Make Your Job Easier Using Templates

Have you ever experienced how difficult it can be to keep a structured overview of your notes from a meeting?

Or even worse.. to find your notes from a meeting two months ago and try to figure out what it was actually about and what the most important subjects of the meeting was?

This is where templates come in play. But what is a template?

A template is basically a file or an illustration with a layout to let you fill out and structure information, e.g text.

An example of a template can be this template about actions (it is in Danish) where you have to write all the necessary actions you need to take to be able to reach a target.

Actions templates

A template normally refers to a subject or purpose. This could be a SWOT analysis in a company.  You can use the template to structure the single parts of the SWOT: strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

If the template is to be used during a seminar this structure will allow you to revisit it after some time and keep working on it or alternatively create a quick overview of the thoughts and notes that were made at that time.

Can you make your own template?

The quick answer is yes! It doesn’t have to be complicated.

You don’t need professionally made templates to be able to work with templates. Since a template basically is a structured layout, it just needs a bit of reflection from your part on the subject of matter.

And with our experience, it actually pays out to work with templates, even though they are not professionally made. They create an overview of notes and thought – even after weeks or months of not visiting it.

Create a visual identity

If you use professionally made templates, the template can also help create a visual identity on, for example, seminars or conferences. An illustrated template as the one above about actions, will work perfectly with a speed drawing film or a graphic recording. This way the template will not only work as a tool to structure your notes and thoughts but will also be part of the visual identity and create long lasting memories on the specific seminar or conference.

Speed Drawing Film

How long does it take you to read this blog post?

In this blog post we focus on film production, or more precisely speed drawing film, also known as white board film.

Speed drawing film keeps getting bigger and bigger, and was first recognized as a process tool when the UK based organisation RSA introduced it.
Today a lot of organisations and companies use speed drawing films as an important internal communications tool.

But what is a speed drawing film?

Speed drawing film is a film where you watch one or several illustrations being drawn, normally with a voice over.

An example of this type of film is this one (Danish version):

We were hired by Vinderstrategi A/S to make a film about their unique winning strategy® concept.

As a communications tool in the organization, it can be used to describe and simplify complex processes, it can be used as educational tool or maybe just to tell the story about the company history or the company products as the film above does.

Why use speed drawing film?

As a communications tool a speed drawing film can be quite effective since you as an audience uses both eyes and ears and thereby initiates your analytical sense as well as the creative sense. Compared to reading a piece of text in a document, in which you only use your analytical sense.
What this means is that you can receive more information in less time when watching this type of film.
The illustrations in a speed drawing film also have the implication that complex communication and text blocks can become easily understandable.
AND as a final argument to use this type of film: It is very fast to produce compared to other forms of film production. Since communication processes in large organizations often have tight deadlines, this type of film can be a suitable choice as a communications tool.

What type of speed drawing film do we use?

Our experience with speed drawing films is that they are most often used in one of the following categories:

  • Marketing (PR for a company or product)
  • Educational use, fx. E-learning film
  • Process film to communicate complex processes in large organisations or future strategy processes, visions, change management etc.

Be aware of the following, when working with speed drawing film:

  • One of the challenges we often experience is that a speed drawing film does not manage to make a complex issue more easily understandable. So to make a good and powerful speed drawing film you need an efficient script for the voice over. It takes time to make a good script, but it definitely also demands a lot for the team who is going to produce the storyboard and edit the film.
  • Unfortunately we also experience companies and divisions being more interested and fascinated by the speed drawing media itself instead of focusing on how they plan to use the film in the organisation. So, ask yourself: What value does this film give us? What is the purpose of this film?

Tips & Tricks

Since we have worked for several years with speed drawing film, we have collected some of our experiences working with this type of communication:

  • Write the script short and precise. Cut out all words that are not essential. Instead use illustrations as detailed metaphors.
  • The purpose of the film has to be clear from the beginning. What is it suppose to communicate and why?
  • What value does the film give you?
  • Know your target group! Who is the primary audience for the film? And the secondary audience? If you know your target group, it is much more simple to make a script and storyboard that will have a positive impact on your target group. Don’t assume that everybody will like your film just because you like it.
  • Make sure to include all primary stakeholders from day one when making a speed drawing film. Unfortunately we have experienced several times a film has been either killed or it has turned out to be an ongoing production because some stakeholders has joined the production too late and wanted to have a “say” on everything.

SO, to return to the question we began with, a speed drawing that will tell you the same as the text you have just read will last for about 2-2,5 minutes. And then it is even more entertaining to watch than it is to read this piece of text.